
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Comments from a Happy Young Reader!

I have this posted on my website ..

My name is Natalie B. and I am 10 years old. A week or two ago my neighbor Don L. told me that his friend published 2 books. He also said that I might like them. He had bought the first one already and let me borrow it. I loved it. Soon I got my own copies of both the books. I just finished The Prisoner this morning. (By the way I loved what you wrote at the beginning of the books!) Is Little Draco the dragon that Zacharus talked about in his story? Is the human prisoner Tonia, Micah, and Nicho's Dad? What about the beargon that "destroyed" Uncava? Is Muscala going to hurt the children?!?! I just hope that a few more of the questions are answered. I can't wait for the next book!

My response to Natalie:

Natalie, you are one of the reasons why I love writing .. I love making a difference to young people, especially in today's tough and fast paced world...

I'll get Book 3 in the Denicalis Dragon Chronicle series out there as soon as I can, but until then, make sure you keep on reading!!!


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